Student Onboarding and Success. (formerly Admissions)

Admission Policies & FAQs


General Admissions Standards and Procedures

To be accepted to 澳门黄金城赌城, 学生必须完成我们网站上列出的录取和注册步骤. The admissions and enrollment steps can be viewed online.

Home Schooled Applicants


  • Proof of listing with the N.C. Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE).
  • A full, 高中毕业成绩单(包括修过的所有课程清单), final course grades, and a final grade point average). 成绩单应包括学校正式名称和管理员签名.
  • 最近两年家庭学校指导的全国标准化考试成绩复印件.

Undocumented Immigrant Applicants


  • 必须是美国公立高中的毕业生, private high school, 或者是遵守州或地方法律的家庭学校
  • Must pay the out-of-state tuition rate
  • Undocumented immigrants are not permitted to pursue a Health Science program or any program that has an admissions wait list.
  • 一旦晚注册期开始,无证移民将被允许注册课程.


Applicants who have been granted deferral under the DACA program are responsible for presenting documentation to establish that they have DACA classification. This documentation includes the I-797, Employment Authorization Document (EAD), and social security card. DACA students are held to the general admission standards and procedures and pay the out-of-state tuition rate. Students with DACA classification are not permitted to pursue a Health Science program or any program that has an admissions wait list.

Special Credit Students

An applicant 18 years or older may enroll as a special credit student without specifying an educational objective or program of study and doesn't intend to seek a degree. 要被录取,特殊学分的学生只需要完成一份申请. Special credit students are not eligible to receive financial aid or veteran's benefits and must meet all prerequisite requirements for each course enrollment.

Career and College Promise

Career and College Promise provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities tuition-free for eligible North Carolina high school students in order to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, 副学士学位可以让你转到大学或者提供入门级的工作技能. 入学和资格要求可在 Career and College Promise website.

Readmission Process

A student placed on academic suspension will be suspended from all coursework and all college activities for one term with the exception of enrollment in ACA-085. 休学将被记录在该学期学生的正式成绩单上.

A student can be readmitted after one term of suspension by completing a Success Plan with an Education Navigator. 学生可以预约他们的教育导航员 to get started.

More about ACA-085

This course is designed to improve academic study skills and introduce resources that will complement developmental courses and produce success in college level courses. Topics include basic study skills, memory techniques, note-taking strategies, test-taking techniques, library skills, personal improvement strategies, goal-setting, and learning resources. Upon completion, 学生应该能够运用所学的技巧来提高大学水平课程的表现.

Non-Completer Survey

Are you withdrawing from all of your courses at 澳门黄金城赌城? 如果是这样,请花几分钟时间与我们分享您的经验. 对我们来说,利用这些学生的经验来帮助我们改进流程是很重要的, services, and resources.

Access Non-Completer Survey

How do I apply for school?

申请中央卡罗莱纳社区学院是一个简单的过程. The admission steps can be found online. 简单地决定你是哪种类型的学生,然后沿着这条路走下去.

How much does it cost to apply?



We also require:

  • An official copy of your high school transcript sent directly from your high school to our college OR an official transcript of other high school completion (GED scores, etc.)
  • 你曾就读的任何一所大学的正式成绩单. 我们必须收到你所完成的所有大学学业的成绩单,无论你是否毕业.
  • 提交你在过去十年的考试成绩(SAT, ACT, Asset, Compass,或Accuplacer).

What if I don't have any test scores?

如果学生在过去十年内从高中毕业或完成了GED, then the high school unweighted GPA or GED score would be used to place the student into their gateway English and Math. Students would be eligible to take the placement test if they meet one of the following criteria: graduated high school more than ten years ago, completed GED more than ten years ago, or the student is an international student. For more information and to schedule a test, visit the placement testing website



Do you accept faxed copies of transcripts?

No. 正式成绩单必须装在密封的信封里寄出. A transcript is an "official transcript" when it is received by the college through the mail directly from the high school, college, or other institution. 此外,官方成绩单可以电子发送到 For more information about transcripts, review the Student Records and Registrar's Transcripts website.

When will I be approved for the program I want?

我们必须收到你的入学申请和所有正式成绩单才能正式录取你. 一旦我们收到这些要求,你将满足一个 Education Navigator to discuss your acceptance.

When should I apply?

获得所有文件的过程可能需要数周时间. 你越早申请并开始申请流程, 你就会越早知道你什么时候可以入学.

Do I only have to apply once, no matter when I start school or do I have to reapply if I withdraw for a semester or stay out of school for a few years?

一旦你申请并且我们收到了你所有的文件,你就会有一个永久的档案. 如果你一年以上没有上学,你需要更新你的申请. You will not have to re-submit new transcripts or placement test scores unless it has been over 5 years since your last date of attendance.

Can I just take a class and not pursue a program?

Yes. 学生可以上一门课而不去攻读学位、文凭或证书课程. Students will enroll as a "Special Credit" student. 为了上课,特殊学分的学生只需要提交一份申请. Special credit students are not eligible to receive financial aid or VA benefits and must meet all prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements for each course, if applicable.

Special credit students who later decide to pursue a program will need to complete all of the admission requirements of their declared program.

I'm a student at another college/university. 我可以在中央卡罗来纳社区学院上课并将课程转到我所在的机构吗?

Yes. Students who will be transferring their Central Carolina Community College course to another institution will apply as a "Special Credit" student. Students are urged to check with their institution prior to taking the course to ensure the course is transferable. Students transferring their 澳门黄金城赌城 course to another institution must meet all of the prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements of every course, if applicable. An official transcript must be provided to document that the prerequisite was met before the 澳门黄金城赌城 course starts.

我在北卡罗来纳州住了不到12个月. Am I a North Carolina resident?

To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must have established legal residence in North Carolina and maintained that legal residence for at least 12 months prior to applying to 澳门黄金城赌城. Furthermore, 学生必须证明他或她目前在北卡罗来纳州的存在, and during the 12 month qualifying period was, for purposes of maintaining a bona fide domicile rather than of maintaining a mere temporary residence to enroll in an institution of higher education.

Chapter 116-143.北卡罗来纳大学总章程第1条规定了为学费目的确定居民身份的要求.

All applicants are required to complete the North Carolina Residency Determination. 居住决定确定学生是否将被收取州内或州外的学费. 在完成大学申请之前,您必须完成北卡罗来纳州居住决定.

我是一名现役军人,永久驻扎在北卡罗来纳州. Do I or my dependents get afforded in-state tuition?

军人和他们的合格家属被认为是在州内的学费目的. The student must be serving on active military duty (permanently stationed in North Carolina) or be a family member of an active duty service person permanently stationed in North Carolina. To qualify, the student must complete an "Application for the Benefit of the In State Tuition Rate as a Member of the Armed Services or Family Member Relative Thereof.此申请表可向学生发展服务办公室索取.

Can I have a printed copy of the college catalog?

We do distribute printed copies of the college catalog, but we encourage students to view the catalog online.

I'm undecided about a program of study. Who should I talk to?

我们的就业中心帮助学生进行职业探索和发展以及教育规划. 您可以拨打(919)718-7396预约见就业中心协调员.


You may contact an Education Navigator 学生入职和成功办公室(原招生办公室). If you have questions, you may call (919) 718-7300. If you have questions about the admissions steps, you may find all the steps online.

Do programs have specific admission requirements?

是的,有些项目会有特定的入学要求. Review our competitive admissions programs website or contact an Education Navigator for your chosen program.

What does dual/concurrent enrollment mean?

Under certain conditions, North Carolina public, private, and home-schooled high school students who are 16 years of age may enroll tuition-free in courses at Central Carolina Community College while enrolled in high school. 双生/同时入学的学生将遵循学院的时间表. Students can obtain "Petition for Dual/Concurrent Enrollment" forms from the guidance counselor at their school. Earned certificates, diplomas, 或者在高中毕业后授予学位, receipt of final high school transcript, and upon written request.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Program

Are you interested in world-class leadership and management training while completing your Associates degree and receiving guaranteed acceptance into Campbell University? We are proud to offer a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program in partnership with Campbell University. Students who participate in this program, "Army ROTC cadets", will have the opportunity to take military science courses on Campbell University's main campus in Buies Creek and transfer into Campbell University with an Associates Degree from 澳门黄金城赌城.

Find out more about Campbell University ROTC Program online.


Adam Wade
(919) 718-7526


Chris A. Psaltis, Ed.D, MSA
Recruiting Operations Officer, GS-11
(910) 893-1590